Our God truly is an awesome God. His blessings are abundant and his grace is boundless. How awesome is it to know that we have a mighty and powerful God who hears our prayers and answers them. You oh lord are my joy in the darkness and my hope in the trial. Praise and glory and honour to you for all that you have done, are doing and will do
I am a 22 year old Christian living in Sydney, Australia. This blog is my expression of my understanding of the Bible, Christianity and the impact that faith should have on life. I believe that calling yourself a Christian requires living your whole life for God rather than just giving Him lip service. No one can exist in a bubble if they wish to truly live in this world. I have a passion for social justice,which I think all Christians should have, I will also blog about social justice issues.
"There is one crown in Heaven which the angel Gabriel could not wear; it will fit no head but mine.
There is one throne in Heaven which Paul the apostle could not fill; it was made for me, and I shall have it"-Charles Spurgeon quoting a man on their deathbed-