What a joke! What sort of Christian supports locking a man up in prison for four freaking years? Today should have been the end of his imprisonment. Four years is an obscenely long time to leave someone to rot in so called "temporary detention. He wasn't scheduled for release, but that doesn't change what happened to him today.
Today he was forcibly relocated to another detention centre in the middle of Western Australia.
He has been denied his freedom, he has been denied the compassion, love and grace that every person on this planet is entitled to.
This man has been driven to the point where today he tried to prevent his relocation by jamming his bed against the door. When that didn't work he tried the last option left to him. Escape. Not from the detention centre. But from life. He will bear the scars on his arms for the rest of his life. A reminder of the "better life" offered by our great, civilised, safe western country.
Why do I tell this story. Mostly because it makes me mad enough that the people on the train at the moment are giving me plenty of space because of the look on my face.
But also because it raises the question.
Where is God in all this? Why does He not speak out against this disgusting degradation of those who are voiceless?
The answer is that he does. He speaks out through those of his people who, understanding love that he has for all people regardless of how they can to be where they are, speak out unashamedly and loudly against what is happening. These people speak in His name, they are His mouthpieces.
God knows, God hears and God has responded. His people should not and cannot stand silent while those less fortunate than is, those who have nothing left except hope are robbed of even that.
Christians hear me and hear me well. You are God's messengers in this world. You are his missionaries to the people around you. Do not be afraid. You stand in the same corner as The Lord Almighty. It may not seem like it today but there is a day coming. A day where all will be revealed, where there will be a reckoning. Woe to those who remained silent, on that day they will be exposed for the hypocrites that they are. For how can we claim to be the people of a God who is in nature love and who we know has a heart for the lost, the forsaken, the despised and not show that love?
Stand up Christians of the Australia! Speak out for what is right!!
In the end God is in control. His love and care for the asylum seekers and the persecuted is boundless, far beyond ours. Even when we don't speak up, when we fail, God is in control. We have to trust that He has a plan and that even the crap stuff is part of that plan. But this is not an excuse to remain silent.
When it comes to Christians: "By their fruit you will know them" (Matthew 7:15-20)
What fruit will you bear?
"If they come for your innocent without crossing over your body, cursed be your religion"
"he has been denied the compassion, love and grace that every person on this planet is entitled to."
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